St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
St. Francis of Assisi Conference, Angola, Indiana

St. Francis of Assisi Conference is part of a worldwide St. Vincent de Paul community of more the 800,000 lay Catholics, who join together to grow spiritually by offering person to person service to neighbors in need. Our service area is Stueben County located in northeast Indiana.

Bags of Loving Comfort
St. Vincent de Paul maintains a blessing box in the front parking lot of St. Anthony Church. We invite anyone who wants to share with their neighbors in need to put shelf stable grocery items in this box.
If you would like to take this project a step further, consider making a meal bag to put in the box. Above is a link to a document with all sorts of ideas for creating these meals. They are designed so that the ingredients will fit into a 2 gallon zip lock bag and there is a recipe/meal sheet to leave in the bag for the recipient to follow. Hopefully these meals create joy for everyone involved and link us all together in God's love. Thank You!

Donations made to the Poor Box located in church stay with Angola's local SVDP Conference.

Place grocery items in the giving box in the front parking lot of St. Anthony Church to share with those in need.