St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

As the church on earth, we are always striving to serve God by serving others. Get involved and be a part of it! If you are a summer parishioner or just visiting and would like to know how you can get involved in one of our ministries, you are also very welcome! Just contact the parish office.

Liturgical Ministers
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Communion Ministers

Adult Education
Growing as a follower of Jesus is the adventure of a lifetime!
We offer several adult faith formations at our parish.
Including FORMED - unlimited access to the best eBooks, talks and videos in the Church today.
Parish Code: F7J9JF
Altar & Rosary Society
The purpose of the Altar & Rosary Society is to aid in supplying the needs for the sanctuary, to encourage a friendly spirit among the women of the parish, and to support the various parish activities.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 8:30 a.m.

Angel Tree
The Angel Tree Committee helps the holy bishop St. Nicholas every December by adopting families in need at Christmas time. St. Nick says that he is as grateful has the families themselves!
To find out how you can help bring Christmas joy to local families, contact
Neil and Judy Nusbaum

Church Cleaning Committee
Together with our professional staff, the cleaning committee makes sure that our worship space is clean and tidy, both on a weekly basis, and for special times like weddings and funerals.
Volunteers for this important ministry include young people and older, families, groups of friends, and anyone who wishes to make a difference! Cleaning and dusting usually takes under an hour with a good group.
To volunteer, contact the parish office at 260-665-2259 or at office@stanthonyangola.com

Environment & Arts
Together with the sacristans, the Liturgical Environment and Arts group is responsible for keeping our worship space beautiful in accord with the needs of Catholic liturgy. If you enjoy décor and design, and especially if you like working with plants and flowers, please consider volunteering.
Your help is needed especially during the holiday seasons.
Amelia Miller or Chris Scott

Garden Ministry
Our goal is to help beautify areas around the church and friary.
The outdoor areas of our parish campus are divided into sections. You and your family can volunteer to choose a section(s) for a 2-month period to maintain and beautify.
Contact Patricia Geise
or Katie Waltke at katie@stanthonyangola.com

Hispanic Ministry
Ministerio Hispano
Hispanic Ministry at St. Anthony's is the collective activities of our Spanish speaking parishioners.
El Comité del Ministerio Hispano coordina las muchas actividades de nuestra comunidad católica hispana.

Human Life & Dignity Commission
St. Anthony / St. Paul Human Life & Dignity Commission seeks to promote respect for human life in all its forms, including issues of peace, justice, respect for human rights, protection of the unborn and respect for our elderly.
This includes all those areas of concern called "pro-life".

Maintenance Committee
Together with the professional staff, the Maintenance Committee helps keep the parish area in repair and in good shape, inside and out, throughout the year.
If you are a handy woman or man, we can use your talent! Please contact Katie at the parish office.

Meals to Heal
A ministry that provides a church family a meal or meals when a member has been hospitalized or recuperating from hospitalization. Be a part of this ministry by offering a meal or part of a meal periodically.
Contact Ferron Harris at

Money Counting Team
The Money Counting Team helps our parish finance officer, Katie Waltke, count the weekly collections and other collections and income.
The Parish Money Counting Team seeks to follow establishes parish best practices to assure accountability to the people of the parish.
Contact Katie at katie@stanthonyangola.com

Music Ministry
If you can sing or play an instrument, yuo are invited to serve God and his people through our parish music ministry!
The choir practices every Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Parish Music Director:
Diana Miller

Office Assistant Volunteers
Volunteer to help our parish office staff by stuffing the weekly bulletins, preparing parish mailings, manning the reception desk, and other needed tasks.
Parish Office Secretary:
Karina Gonzalez, 260-665-2259

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Compassion and a love of knitting or crocheting keeps this ministry strong. Members knit or crochet the prayer shawls, they are blessed, and then given to those in need of comfort and cheer as well as celebration and joy.
Prayers Shawls are available in the Gathering Area for anyone to take.

Social Committee
Fellowship plays a key role in the life of any parish. The purpose of the Social Committee is to offer and support opportunities for fellowship among parishioners and guests through various social events. These social events help larger numbers of parishioners to get to know one another, invite new people into the fold, encourage parishioners to get and stay involved with the life of the parish, and make people feel welcome, wanted and important.