St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
Safe Environment

The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend requires all priests, deacons, and other personnel, lay and religious, paid and volunteer to adhere to the diocese’s Code of Conduct When Interacting With a Child or Young Person.
The Charter requires every parish to appoint a Safe Environment Coordinator.
Our coordinator: Katie Waltke, Business Manager
Anyone working with children and teenagers (under 18) - directly or indirectly - must complete a safety program before they begin. The program includes an educational component, a legal procedures component, and a criminal background check.
There are numerous resources available here, including information on policies and procedures, guidelines, checklists, and forms.
"We pledge most solemnly to one another and to you, God’s people, that we will work to our utmost for the protection of children and youth. We pledge that we will devote to this goal the resources and personnel necessary to accomplish it.” – Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People: Statement of Episcopal Commitment, USCCB, June 2002
In the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, all diocesan priests, deacons, and candidates for ordination will undergo a criminal background evaluation according to diocesan policy and procedure. All employees, regardless of their level of contact with children, will undergo criminal background evaluations prior to employment. All volunteers, who will have regular contact with children and young people as part of their volunteer duties, will undergo criminal background evaluations before they begin their responsibilities. The employee’s or volunteer’s immediate supervisor is to ensure this requirement is fulfilled. Per Indiana state law, all new school employees must undergo an expanded criminal history search and an expanded child protection index. The diocese contracts with a professional background screening company to complete its criminal history searches. Rescreening is conducted for all regularly.
The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend requires that all clergy, seminarians, and employees complete the Safe Environment Training Program regardless of their level of contact with children. All diocesan volunteers who will have regular contact with children or young people must complete the Safe Environment Training Program also. The program teaches adults how to create and maintain a safe environment in which all persons, especially children, can grow in faith. This training is meant to help protect children and also those adults who minister to them. Training updates are required regularly.
The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend partners with Catholic Mutual Group to offer an online safe environment training curriculum for all adults who are required to complete it. Contact your local Safe Environment Coordinator for information as to how to register at the CMG site and begin your training. Adults may complete training in English, Spanish, or American Sign Language (ASL).
If you or someone you know need to report child abuse by a member of clergy, we are here to help and listen.
Please contact the Fort Wayne/South Bend Diocese
Jodi Marlin, Victim's Assistance Coordinator
Email: jmarlin@diocesefwsb.org
Phone: (260)399-1447
Very Reverend Mark A. Gurtner, J.C.D.
Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia
P.O. Box 390
Fort Wayne, IN 46801
Risk Management

Severe Weather Emergency

Medical Emergency

Personal Safety Threats

Liability Procedures
Fire Safety
The parish staff monitors warnings from the National Weather Service. Please refer to our Home Page or local news stations for cancellations.
Contact 911 emergency services, if needed. Staff, Ushers and Greeters are the designated individuals who are trained and certified to administer CPR.
First Aid: There is a FIRST AID KIT mounted in the Gathering Area of the Church, Kitchen, Parish Hall, and Office hallway.
AED: There are 2 AED KITS in our buildings. One is located in the gathering area of the Church and the other is in the parish hall.
For any incidents/injuries on the property, please contact Katie Waltke in the Parish Office. An Investigation Report will need to be completed immediately.
Steps of action in the Main Church:
If available, pull the nearest fire alarm to initiate a building evacuation. THIS WILL AUTOMATICALLY CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Evacuate immediately while assisting others. Fire exits are posted at side doors.
Steps of action in the Parish Center:
If available, pull the nearest fire alarm to initiate a building evacuation. THIS WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Evacuate immediately while assisting others. Fire exits are posted at the door to each classroom and main exit doors in Parish Hall. CALL 911!
If there is a dangerous or potentially dangerous person in your area: Call 911 when it is safe to do so. Explain your situation and give your specific location. If safe to do so, quietly evacuate the area. If individual is outside, lock all doors and move to a non-visible location and alert others in the building.
If there is a Bomb Threat: Contact Katie Waltke in the Parish Office during office hours of follow checklist posted near the AED in the Gathering Area of the Church or the Parish Office.
Ladders and Machinery: Any adult volunteer climbing a ladder or using machinery for any event at the church - this includes Christmas decorating! - is asked to fill out a waiver form. The waiver is open ended, that is, you only have to fill this out once, and then we have it on file. No one under the age of 18 should be on a ladder on church property. If you climb a ladder, have an adult spotter at all times!
Candles: You can use candles at meetings and events. However, ALL candles, matches, lighters, etc. must be removed after the event or locked away, and never left in the room.